Eneergy Saving
Lighting Controls
Featuring Energy-Saving
Technologies for
Institutional, Industrial
and OEM Use
G reen technologies just make sense from an economic, environmental
and compliance standpoint. And that’s not going to change because
the factors driving the movementtowards better energy efficiency, like
skyrocketing fossil fuel costs and codes mandating higher standards of
building efficiency, are here to stay.
E nergy Efficient Lighting Controls
The fact is that lighting consumes a significant portion of the energy in the typical
building and that’s why lighting controls that reduce the draw on electricity through
dimming and automatic switching canreduce consumption dramatically. Not only do
these controls make more efficient use of lighting, they can interact with HVAC and
other building systems to extend savings. Another benefit of keeping lights lower (or
even off) is that, when it’s warm outside, it reduces cooling requirements and lowers
utility bills even further.
Yet there’s more to the increasing demand for lighting controls onboth an individual
and a public level. There is a new awareness of the importance of reducing our energy
consumption not only to make us less reliant on fossil fuels but also to protect our natural
resources, including the air we breathe. Then there’s the compliance side. Although
codes do vary on a state and local basis, the trend throughout the country is clearly
towards mandating higherand higher standards of energy efficiency for all types of
buildings. Lighting controls are required to meet some of these codes, while in others
they may be one of several options for meeting standards.
No company offers a broader range of lighting control products for optimizing energy
efficiency than Leviton. We offer sensors, dimming systems, timers and relay systems
for creatingenergy-saving lighting control systems for every imaginable type application, in any environment. We’ve even got lampholders and sensors for manufacturers
producing today’s most energy-efficient fluorescent fixtures. All from a company that
has been producing innovative, reliable products for over 100 years.
Green is Good
Energy Efficient Lighting Controls
Leviton products leverageenergy-saving
Dimmed Lighting
Daylight Harvesting
One of the easiest ways to reduce electricity consumption
is via a combination of dimmers and task lighting. Not
only do dimmed lights draw less electricity, they
produce less heat—and that
can reduce cooling costs,
lights by: consumption by:
which can really add up in
warmerclimates. As a general
rule: the more you dim, the
more you save. Dimming also
enables bulbs to last longer.
Daylight harvesting technology maintains a programmed
level of light by precisely adjusting the output of a room’s
luminaires to compensate for ambient light levels, the
most prevalent source being natural daylight. A typical
system uses photocells tomeasure the ambient light and
then automatically dim or brighten to achieve a user-programmed level of light. An alternative to dimming is bilevel or multilevel switching in which luminaires in different zones are switched on and off based on ambient
light levels. By utilizing free light, daylight harvesting
can reduce electricity bills as much as 60%.
L eviton dimming products include:box-mounted dimmers;
scene dimming stations and controllers; and sophisticated
multizone dimming systems that incorporate dimming and
relay cabinets, architectural lighting, and more. These
products can help buildings meet mandatory ASHRAE
90.1-2004 and CEC Title 24 requirements.
L eviton offers photocells, occupancy sensors, relay cabinets, dimmers and dimming systems that can be integrated...
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