Saving The World Has Its Costs

Páginas: 3 (509 palabras) Publicado: 16 de junio de 2012
As the world is forced to supersede its resource extractive economy for a greener sustainable economy due to the threat and jeopardy of Global Warming, the world is faced with the costs of this lateshift.

One of the most important changes in the global economy is the supplant of oil fuels by biofuels. The global dependence of the actual economy to the use of a limited andnonrenewable resource such as fossil fuels as the principal method of obtaining energy is one of the main causes of Global Warming. The burning of this fuel produces CO2 gases, which goes into the atmosphere andtraps some of the heat of the incoming solar radiation. This increase of the greenhouse gases by the use of fossil fuels is the main cause of Global Warming. Ergo the first and imperative change wemust apply is the replacement of fossil fuels as the principal energy method by a new ecologic alternative, biofuels.

There are two main usable Biofuels, the Bioethanol and theBiodiesel, both of which are produced using food in part of the process. Bioethanol uses corn crops or sugar cane crops for its process of fermentation. Biodiesel uses mainly vegetable or animal oils in itselaboration. This production requirement of food to produce biofuel is the primary concern in its substitution of fossil fuel in the global economy. This meaning that the global industrialized massproduction of biofuel needed to shift the economy to a greener one and help save the planet will ironically cause world hunger.

As we prioritize the production of biofuels to eliminateGlobal Warming, the use of lands and agricultural crops like corn or sugar cane, that were previously supplied to the food market, will be needed. As this new colossal biofuel market rises, the landproduction will be split in two: the production of crops for food and the production of crops for biofuel. This will eventually decrease the supply of food in the global markets furthermore eliciting food...
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