
Páginas: 3 (730 palabras) Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2012

1. As you know, Paco has won the lottery, and he has decided to visit England. Here you have a little extract from a travel guide, describing the South of England.|In the South of England the history and |You can visit Dover and see Dover Castle and the |Stonhenge is a cultural icon for England. |
|culture continues. There is Kent with|well-known white cliffs of Dover. From these chalk |You can find it in the north of Salisbury. |
|various medieval cathedrals, castles and |cliffs on a clear day you can even see the coast of|The stonesarranged in a circle have been |
|remains. Canterbury is also known as an |France. |standing there for almost 5000 years. There|
|area to shop forantiques. |You should also come and visit Brighton to see the |are also other monuments and prehistoric |
|There are many gardens in Kent and it |amusement piers and small seaside townwith |tombs in this area. |
|could take a long time to explore them |abundant nightlife. It is a gay - friendly town. |Further south is Dorset, which is a really ||all. Especially, New Romney is a very |On the south coast there are many harbours around |picturesque area with quiet villages and |
|historic village, which can offer you a |Hampshire andthe Isle of Wight. You have |old lanes. |
|wide range of sports activities as well. |opportunities for yachting and sailing here and ||
|  |learn about the maritime history. | |
||  | |


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