Alexander turner

Páginas: 5 (1020 palabras) Publicado: 14 de mayo de 2010
NOMBRE: Alexander David Turner
PAÍS: Inglaterra
Alex Turner nació en el año 1986, en Sheffield, Inglaterra.
Es famoso por ser el cantante de la banda en gran crecimiento llamada Artic Monkeys, la cual ganó el premio Mercury 2006 por su álbum "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not".
Artic Monkeys es una de lasmejores bandas de la actualidad según indica la prensa mundial.
Alex es hijo de dos profesores, sus padres le enseñaron a hablar alemán y lo acercaron a la música desde que era niño. En el año 2001 le regalaron su primera guitarra.
Desde que comenzó a tocar música fue influenciado por Oasis, hasta ahora.
Asistió a la escuela Stocksbridge High School por varios años., Donde conoció a AndyNicholson y Matt Helders, con los cuales formó su banda desde el año 2002.
Siempre ha sido el principal compositor de la banda, sin embargo admitió que durante los inicios le costaba reconocerlo, ya que lo avergonzaba mostrar sus liricas.
Artic Monkeys grabó dos discos en lo que va de su carrera titulados: "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" y "Favourite Worst Nightmare" y dos EPs: "FiveMinutes with Arctic Monkeys" y "Who the Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys".
Temas como "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor","When the Sun Goes Down","Leave Before the Lights Come On","Brianstorm","Matador","Fluorescent Adolescent" y "Teddy Picker" los hicieron conocidos a nivel mundial.
Pero además de la banda, Alex tiene nuevos proyectos: han anunciado planes para grabar un álbum con su amigo MilesKane y el productor James Ford.
Kane, formaba parte del antiguo acto de soporte de los Arctic Monkeys llamado "The Little Flames". Este proyecto, que aún no tiene un nombre, presentará a Turner y Kane compartiendo las vocales, la guitarra y el bajo, mientras que Ford se encargará de la batería.
En cuanto a su vida personal, ha mantenido un perfil por demás bajo.
Siempre se ha distanciado delestilo de vida célebre.
Él y el resto de la banda han sido vistos varias veces paseando por su ciudad natal, Sheffield.
Alexander David Turner
Alex Turner was born in 1986, in Sheffield, England. He is famous for being the singer of the band in great called growth Artic Monkeys, which gained the prize Mercury 2006 by its album " Whatever People Say I a.m., That' s What I' m Not".
Artic Monkeysis one of the best bands of the present time
Alex is son of two professors, their parents taught to speak German they approached and it music since he was young. In 2001 they gave his to him first guitar.
Ever since it began to play music was influenced by Oasis, until now.
It attended the school Stocksbridge High School by some years, Where it met Andy Nicholson and Matt Helders, with whichformed its band from year 2002.
He has always been the main composer of the band, nevertheless admitted that during the beginnings it cost to him to recognize it, it shamed since to show it its lyricals. Artic Monkeys recorded two discs in which it goes of his race titled: " Whatever People Say I a.m., That' s What I' m Not" and " Favourite Worst Nightmare" and two EPs: " Five Minutes withArctic Monkeys" and " Who the Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys".
But besides the band, Alex has new projects: they have announced plans to record an album with its Thousands friend Kane and the producer James Ford. Kane, comprised of the old act of support of Arctic Monkeys called " The Little Flames". This project, that not yet has a name, will present/display to Turner and Kane having shared the vowels, theguitar and the low one, whereas Ford is in charge of the battery. As far as his personal life, it has maintained a profile beside the point low. It has been always distanced of the style of famous life. It and the rest of the band have been seen several times taking a walk by their native city, Sheffield.

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  • Alexander David Turner
  • Alex Turner (1986
  • Turnos
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  • Turno

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