

Puntos a considerar

1. Nestor seems a minor character in the Iliad , but plays an important role in the development of the plot. How the old king drives the action in the story? What relevance does Nestor in this epic?

In his role as director of the Achaean forces, often Nestor who motivates the troops. He convinces the army to build fortifications around their ships-fortifications where clashes take place between the two armies. It also proposes the spy mission kill Odysseus and Diomedes Dolon and other soldiers. Furthermore, it is Nestor who convinces Agamemnon to send an embassy to Achilles, begging him to return to battle. Finally, Nestor is who proposes that instead Patroclus Achilles fight clad in his armor.


Two. What is the role of women in the Iliad ? Does the poem contains strong female characters that give a counterbalance to the male presence?

The Iliad contains strong female characters but in the plane of the deities, as in the case of Athena and Hera. Even other male gods can not cope. Ares, the god of war, must yield to the force of Athena twice. Moreover, Athena and Hera noted for their skills as they are clever and poignant. Hera, for example, uses its assets and deceives women Zeus, the supreme god.

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