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Páginas: 4 (856 palabras) Publicado: 16 de septiembre de 2012
Marking out
Marking out or layout is the process of transferring a design or pattern to a workpiece, as the first step in the manufacturing process. It is performed in many industries or hobbiesalthough in the repetition industries the machine's initial setup is designed to remove the need to mark out every individual piece.
Marking out consists of transferring the dimensionsfrom the plan to the workpiece in preparation for the next step, machining or manufacture.
Typical tools include:
* Surface plate or marking out table — provides a true surface from which to work* Angle plates — assist in holding the workpiece perpendicular to the table
* Scriber — is the equivalent of a pen or pencil. It literally scratches the metal surface leaving behind a fine,bright line
* Height gauge or scribing block — allows lines to be scribed at a preset distance, from the tables surface
* Surface gage — an ungraduated comparison measuring tool that performsmuch the same function as the vernier height gage. It is often used in conjunction with a dial indicator and a precision height gage.
* Marking blue — to provide a usable writing surface by coveringany existing scratches and providing a contrasting background
* Profile gauge
* Protractor — to assist in the transfer of angular measurements
* Combination square — an alternative toolfor transferring angular measurements
* Square — to transfer 90° angles to the workpiece
* Punches — either prick or center punch to create permanent marks or dimples for drill bits to start in* Automatic center punch — a spring-loaded punch that creates prick punch marks without the need for a ball peen hammer
* Ball peen hammer — used in conjunction with the punches to providethe striking blow needed
* Dividers or measuring compass — for creating circles or arcs
As welding does not always require the use of fine tolerances, marking out is usually performed...
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