To be ser, estar | |
To have tener | |
To look parecer | |
To seemparecer o semejar | |
To weigh pesar wey | |
To describe describir | |
| |
Quite bastante | |
Rathermas bien | |
Very muy | |
Too demasiado | |
| |
Description | |
Appearance apariencia | |
Lookmirar | |
Height altura hahyt | |
Size tamaño sahyz | |
Weight peso | |
| |
Haircabello | |
Blond hair cabello rubioRed hair cabello rojo | |
Curly hair cabello chino | |
Straight hair cabello lacio | |Beard barba beerd biird | |
Moustache bigoteBald calvo bawld | |
Eyes ojos | |
Skin piel| |
Complexion tez, cutis kuhm-plek-shuhn | |
Spot acne | |
Mole grano | |
Beauty spot lunar | |
Frecklespecas frek-uhl | |
Dimples hoyuelos | |
Glasses anteojos | |
| |
Young joven | |
Old Viejo | |
Tallalto | |
Small pequeño | |
Of average height estatura promedio | |
Fat gordo | |
Thin Delgado | |
Skinnyflaco | |
Slim esbelto | |
Muscular musculoso muhs-kyuh-ler | |
Beautiful bonitoGood-looking buen ver | |
Handsome guapo | |...
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