Trabajo De Un Crimen En Ingles
On Monday October 31 at exactly 3 hours with 33 minutes in the morning, the neighbors of the district La Dehesa, suffered a big loss in your neighborhood.
Awoman named Taylor, had a close relationship with her boyfriend Williams. They were passing through a crisis, according to neighbors who were close to that woman, ensure that the friends Ryan, Sthefanieand Lester rumours had been told her about the unfaithfulness of Williams toward her. According to the testimony delivered to the police, they would have had a very strong fight, in which theyseparated emotionally and she chose to go out home.
Ryan welcomed to Taylor for a day because she said that she had to leave soon. Lester was her best friend and accompanied her to every place and support inevery sphere.
The curious thing is that Williams went after her, and at second day he took a flight to another state.
Thanks to my research i could successfully catch them and the next day i callthem to my criminalistics office.
- * Detective: Good morning Mr. Ryan, i call you here by the disappearance of Taylor. Swear your going to tell the truth and nothing but the truth? If you don’t weare going to be oblígate to leave you arrest.
- * Ryan: i swear sr detective.
- * Detective: when was the last time you saw Taylor? –
* Ryan: The last time I saw was when she fight withWilliams and i welcomed by a night in my home, next day she said goodbye to me she left telling me, she were going to look for a new place to live.
When she had already gone I realized that he had beenleft her cell phone in my house and i still have it saved
- * Detective: nothing more to add?
- * Ryan: No sir, Stephanie could know more it is her best friend along with lester.
- * Detective:thank you very much for your cooperation, any information that you have do not hesitate to inform me.
- * Detective: call Stephanie please.
- * Detective: Good morning Stephanie, i want you to tell...
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