The First Women
* We all know about the First woman in History, her name was Eve. We canfind her in the book of Genesis in the bible. According to the bible she is the mother of all human races. She was created by God and as you know she came from therib of the first man who was Adam. Eve is also known as the person responsible of allowing sin to come into the world. God told them not to eat from the tree of theKnowledge of Good and Evil, but they did it so. She was the person who first disobeys God and then invited the first man to disobey him too. Because of theirdisobedience they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Eve and Adam had three children: Cain, Abel and Seth; Cain later slew Abel in a fit of jealousy... The fruit ofthe Tree of Knowledge often is depicted as an apple, but that is not explicitly stated in the Bible...
* Throughout the Christian period, the story ofEve has provided men with the reason why they should restrain and restrict the social, sexual, religious, political, and economic freedom of women. It has alsogiven men the justification to hold women responsible for all the misfortunes suffered by mankind.
Eve was the first woman on earth, the first wife, and thefirst mother. She is known as the "Mother of All the Living." And although this is quite a remarkable accomplishment, very little is known about Eve. There is notmuch said of her in the book of Genesis. Like most mothers, even though her accomplishments were great, they were for the most part, overlooked.
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