The Woman
"In the Dominican Republic the unemployment rate for women is more than twice that of men, 43% of women receive earning less than 4,000 pesos monthly, only 17%ofparliamentary positions are occupied by women and only two women hold the hierarchyof Secretaries of State ",
All this happens in the knowledge of professional and academic improvementdemonstrated by the Dominicans, which is reflected in the country's universities, where women are 61% of the student body.
What happens when working women become pregnant?
The working world is extremely unfairto pregnant women and those who want to be mothers, most are forced to choose between work or maternity. Many women delay their maternity to meet their career objectives, with the risk to their health and of their children.And many are fired when they confess to be pregnant, or are relegated to lower statuspositions because "give bad image to the company."
How women's work can affect her marriage?Excessive work and physical exhaustion are two enemies that are closely related to each other, and both come together to form only one enemy that can destroy any marriage.
Excessive work is very common among young couples fighting for stabilize financially.The problem becomes even higher when the couple has not completed their studies or have not been able to get a profession. To work and study atthe same time complicates matters, especially when one partner is trying to start a business, the couple just lost in time and space surprising when they realize that their marriage falls apart. That without forget that most of women g has double when they arrive to head home to their professional duties. Situation of strong disadvantage that puts them in a permanent state of overwork and find amore drastic episode in homes with children
the woman who studies and works
For having some money for personal expenses, to help the family finances or for the purpose of obtain professional experience, more and more students try to combine their careers with working life. An apparently innocuous but which can have serious consequences if the hours exceed 20 per week job.
Today many women leftpartially and completely, the home office to go to work this due to many factors such as financial need, the desire to succeed and prosper, however, those situations not stopped because were characterized by the strength and impetus that takes the challenges they face every day.
That is one of the main conclusions of a study of the topic that was conducted Katheryn Monaham (U. from Washington),Joanna M. Lee (U. from Virginia) and Laurence Steinberg (Temple U.), with about 1,800 students workers in the United States.
The researchers found that the risk of suffering problems, social, family and medical increases if students work more than twenty hours a week
In the Dominican Republic the situation may be more serious, because most the students from night journey work on average eighthours a day (over 40 weekdays) what is really alarming
. tourism and prostitution in the Dominican Republic
Among the negative impacts of tourism, the most important is the problem of prostitution.
I will cite the example (one of many) of the Street Duarte of Boca Chica which is a street that at night becomes a pedestrian and is crowded and really everything is organized for themarket of bodies.
These beautiful mulattas who come there to be sold.
. Nowadays there is much gay tourism. Now prostitution is a business from women and girls, this means that age taboos do not exist anymore.
Really all that is tolerated. There, the tourist police strolling down the street doing nothing
The owners of prostitution establishments also pay regularly to the police to leave paz.Lo...
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