SunOS 5.8
login: op1
Password: hdl1edm
telnet asrmadr51
Connected to ASRMADR51.
Login: murilloi
Password: Madrid07
Ena: o2e1pdsk
*A:ASRSEV10# enable-admin
*A:ASRSEV10# configure port 5/1/21
A:ASRSEV10>config>port# no shutdown
*A:ASRSEV10# show port description
*A:ASRSEV10# show servicecustomer
Customer-ID : 1
Description : Default customer
Customer-ID : 1180
Description: MAP - MAP-UTE
Customer-ID : 1367
Description : AZK - Transportes Azkar
A:ASRBAR21# show service sap-using sap 6/1/7
Service Access Points
===============================================================================PortId SvcId Ing. Ing. Egr. Egr. Adm Opr
QoS Fltr QoS Fltr
6/1/7:1018 1018 62006 none 62006 none Up Down
6/1/7:2018 2018 63006 none 63006 none Up Up6/1/7:3018 3018 64000 none 64000 none Up Up
Number of SAPs : 3
A:ASRBAR21# configure
A:ASRBAR21>config#service vpls 1018 sap 6/1/7:1018 shutdown
*A:ASRBAR21>config# service vpls 1018 sap 6/1/7:1018 no shutdown
Acceso a trajeta ASAP mediante CV200 (dyced)
A:ASRMADR11# show port 7/2/1
SONET/SDH Interface
Description :ASAP CARD to ALCATEL AMADR16020.26.1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Interface : 7/2/1 Speed : oc3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< SONET
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
A:ASRMADR11# show port description | match 7/2/1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Circuitos de 2 mega agregados
7/2/1 ASAP CARD to ALCATEL AMADR16020.26.1
7/2/ CPE - SW_LLF03V1 - Calle Estafeta N:6 - Madrid
7/2/ CPE - SW_MSA065L1 - calle Alcala 37 - Madrid
7/2/ CPE - SW_NUT102V0- Carretera de Andalucia Km 25,6 n s/n - Madr
7/2/ CPE - SW_MSA068L0 - Calle Marques de la Ensenada n8 - Madrid
7/2/ CPE - SW_NAD272V0 - SNAD00200066 - Calle Beato Tomas de Zumarrag
7/2/ CPE - SW_NAD273V0 - SNAD00200067 - Calle Alisos n 19 - 4 Planta
7/2/ CPE - SW_TRK100V0 - Carretera Andalucia n 217 - Km217 - Ciudad
Informacion a nivelde Channel Group
A:ASRMADR11# show port 7/2/
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description : CPE - DY_CRP206V0C - SCRP00200043 - Calle Maria de Molina
n 62 - Madrid
Interface : 7/2/
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