
Páginas: 12 (2850 palabras) Publicado: 11 de julio de 2012
Part Number:

Course Number: 2389B

Released: 2/2002

Programming with Microsoft® ADO.NET

Manual Classroom Setup Guide

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Course Number: 2389B
Part Number:
Released: 2/2002
Classroom Requirements 1
Classroom Configuration 2
Manual Classroom Setup 3
Instructor and Student Computer Setup 3
Software Sources and Versions 12Note
This guide provides instructions for setting up computers in a classroom environment. The guide is included on this CD to assist you in setting up a computer to work on lab exercises outside the classroom environment. Because these instructions were not tested on computers outside a classroom environment, Microsoft does not guarantee that this setup will work on your computerand does not provide support for this guide.

Classroom Requirements

This course requires a classroom with a minimum of one computer for the instructor and one for each student. Before class begins, install and configure all computers by using the following information and instructions. All hardware must be on the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) for Microsoft Windows® 2000.Hardware requirements

Classroom computers require the following hardware configuration.

Hardware Level 3

■ Pentium III 450
■ PCI 2.1 bus
■ 512 megabytes (MB) of RAM
■ 12-gigabyte (GB) hard disk
■ 512-kilobyte (KB) L2 cache
■ DVD player
■ Non-ISA network adapter (10/100 megabits per second (Mbps) required)
■ 4-MB video adapter
■ Super VGA (SVGA) monitor (17 inch)
■ Microsoft Mouse orcompatible pointing device
■ Sound card with amplified speakers
■ Projection display device that supports SVGA 800x600, 256-colors (instructor computer only)

Software requirements

Except where noted, the following software is required for all classroom computers.

Instructor and student computers

■ Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
■ Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 Enterprise Edition
■Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET
■ Microsoft Access 2002

Instructor computer only

■ Macromedia Flash plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer
■ Microsoft PowerPoint® Viewer

Classroom Configuration

The computer names and IP addresses listed are provided as suggestions.

■ Use static Internet Protocol (IP) addresses only if Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is unavailable....
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