By: J. M. Dillar
Student: Dos Santos Gabriela
Course: 2do polimodal
Year: 2011
Main idea……………………………………………………………………2
One night a man with one armkills doctor’s wife. That doctor worked in the hospital from Chicago. The police though that the doctor killed his wife, so they wanted to find him to send hi3m to prison. Kimble didn’t want to go to the prison and he could escape of the bus that was taking off to the prison. Then a detective started to look for, he wanted to find alive a dead. Kimble wanted to live, find to Helen’s killer.Anybody couldn’t help, he was alone he could not trust in anybody. Could Kimble find to Helen’s killer?
Main idea:
“Searching the killer”
Charlie Nichols was the most important doctor of the hospital. Alex Lentz, another doctor, worked on the new drug RDU-90, this drug damaged the liver's people but nobody knew that. A night Kimble was in his house with his wife, Helen. He hadto go back to the hospital in the night because somebody was very ill. He had to operate quickly and during the operation he saw that this man had the damaged liver. When Kimble arrived home he went up to the bedroom. There he saw a one-armed man. The man hit him hard and Kimble fell down on the floor. When Kimble opened his eyes he saw Helen dead. Later, police came and put Kimble in prison.Kimble was in a bus on the way to prison in Illinois. Copeland, another prisoner, fired a gun and the bus driver died. Then they were on a railway line, Kimble opened the door and jumped out, and the train crashed into the bus. Kimble drove into a tunnel. He saw the Tennessee River hundreds metres below. In the end of the tunnel he saw several police cars. Gerard, the detective, and Poole walked alongthe tunnel. Kimble ran to the end of the tunnel, he turned back to the river below and he jumped. Kimble went to see Charlie Nichols. He waited near Nichol’s house for his car to arrive. Nichols stopped his car. Nichols gave him all the money he had and his coat. Kimble found the department for patients with artificial limbs. He went to work at the hospital as a cleaner. There he went into a roomto get the reports. He rode all the reports and learned about artificial limbs. Kimble went to the computer room in the artificial limbs department. He needed to describe Helen’s killer. The computer gave five names. Kimble wrote the names in a list and he left. Then Kimble had only two names, Clive Driscoll and Frederick Sykes. He went to visit Driscoll in the prison but he was the wrong man.Kimble went to Sykes’s flat. He found an artificial arm and he realized Lentz paid a man to kill him because he knew that RDU-90 was dangerous. Kimble spoke to Roosevelt. He worked in the reports department and had all the papers on RDU-90. In Wahlund’s office Kimble and Kath looked at the pieces of the three livers. Lentz used the same liver for all his reports. Kimble got on a train and Sykes wasin front of him. Kimble hit Sykes hard and he fell to the floor and then Kimble ran out of the train. Kimble went to see Nichols and then they started to fight. Gerard and Poole ran down to the fifth floor, too were there Kimble and Nichols, they opened a door and there was big bags of dirty washing. Kimble pushed one of the big bags at Nichols. It hit him in his face and he fell hard. It was allfinished.
I think that the book is very interesting. I like that story tells. In this story the main character, the doctor Richard Kimble, had bad luck. His wife died instead of him and it happens by an accident, because she was in the wrong place and at the wrong time. All this happened because Alex Lentz, another doctor, worked on the new drug RDU-90, this drug was dangerous...
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