Igv percepciones
He is a writer, politician and journalist in Peru. Mario is considered one of the most important novelists and essayists of Latin American history.
His real name is Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa. He was born in Arequipa Peru in March of 1936. His parents’ names are Ernesto Vargas Maldonado and Dora Llosa Ureta. Mario was their only child. He grew up in the bosomof a middle class family. When he was a child lived with his mother and grandfather in Bolivia then he returned to his homeland where he started his first studies.
In 1946 he traveled to Lima where he studied at the La Salle school.
In 1950 he studied in the Leoncio Prado Military Academy. He was an excellent student. His teacher in the Military Academy was a French poet. His name isCésar Moro.
Mario finished his studies in Piura when he wrote his first novel. It`s name is “La huida del Inca". It was a famous novel in that year.
In 1953 he studied in the National Mayor University San Marcos where he studied literature and law. In that year he formed a Communist political group of the University.
When he was 19 years old, he was married with Julia Urquidi. She isolder than he for 14 years. She is his aunt-in-law.
In 1957 he wrote "Los jefes y el abuelo" while working at two newspapers.
In 1964 after several fights he divorced his wife but then the writer married with Patricia Llosa they had three children: Alvaro Vargas Llosa, Gonzalo and Morgana.
In the eighties Mario Vargas Llosa was part of the Democratic Front (FREDEMO).
Mario ran for thepresidency of Peru in two occasions (1988 and 1990). In the nineties Mario lost national elections in which Fujimori won.
He had a lot of wonderful books. The most important are: "La ciudad y los perros", "La casa verde", "Conversación en La Catedral", "Lituma en los Andes", "Travesuras de la niña mala", "¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero?", "El hablador", "La Fiesta del Chivo", "Los cuadernos de donRigoberto" and "El Paraíso en la otra esquina", etc.
His principal tests are: "Carta de batalla por Tirant lo Blanc, prólogo a la novela de Joanot Martorell", "García Márquez: historia de un deicidio", "Entre Sartre y Camus", "La utopía arcaica. José María Arguedas y las ficciones del indigenismo", "Sables y utopías", "El viaje a la ficción", "Desafíos a la libertad", "La orgía perpetua:Flaubert y Madame Bovary" and "Contra viento y marea", etc.
He won a lot of awards for his writings. For example: "Premio Rómulo Gallegos", "Premio Cervantes", "Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras", "Premio Planeta" and "Premio Biblioteca Breve". But his most important award is “El Premio Nobel de Literatura 2010”
Good afternoon teacher and classmates. I’m going to talk about Mario VargasLLosa.
His real name is Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa. He was born in Arequipa Peru in March of 1936. He is a writer, politician and journalist in Peru. Mario is considered one of the most important novelists and essayists of Latin American history.
His parents’ names are Ernesto Vargas Maldonado and Dora Llosa Ureta. Mario was their only child. He grew up in the bosom of a middle classfamily. When he was a child lived with his mother and grandfather in Bolivia then he returned to his homeland where he started his first studies.
In 1946 he traveled to Lima where he studied at the La Salle school.
In 1950 he studied in the Leoncio Prado Military Academy. He was an excellent student. His teacher in the Military Academy was a French poet. His name is César Moro.
Mariofinished his studies in Piura when he wrote his first novel. It`s name is “La huida del Inca". It was a famous novel in that year.
In 1953 he studied in the National Mayor University San Marcos where he studied literature and law. In that year he formed a Communist political group of the University.
When he was 19 years old, he was married with Julia Urquidi. She was older than he for...
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