historia antigua

Páginas: 4 (919 palabras) Publicado: 4 de septiembre de 2014
Why have I chosen this career?
I chose the career of occupational therapy because I feel that it is unique. Allows you to perform based on the humanist, but with a focused look between thehumanistic and biologist. You can scientifically understand the why of one or another health condition, but you add much needed humanity care share with users. The occupation is the medium through which youare looking for to achieve the therapeutic objectives, but also is the maximum end, i.e., you work around the performance of each particular, understanding the individuality of each of them be. Inaddition there are various areas of expertise, you can work in hospitals (physical rehabilitation or mental health) clinics, schools, prisons, drugs, offenders of law, stimulation, etc.
Elegí la carrerade terapia ocupacional porque siento que es única. Te permite desempeñarte en base a lo humanista, pero con una mirada centrada entre lo humanista y biólogo. Logras comprender científicamente los porqué de una u otra condición de salud, pero agregas la cuota de humanidad tan necesaria en la atención con usuarios. La ocupación es el medio a través del cual buscas conseguir los objetivosterapéuticos, pero además es el fin máximo, es decir, trabajas en torno al desempeño de cada ser particular, comprendiendo la individualidad de cada uno de ellos. Por otra parte existen variadas áreas deespecialización, puedes trabajar en hospitales (rehabilitación física y/o salud mental) consultorios, colegios, cárceles, programa de drogas, infractores de ley, centro de estimulación, etc.

How I cameto choose this career?
I think having gone through many stages, I wanted to be veterinary to help dogs who lived on the street especially, I wanted to also be detective to help offenders already notdo more harm to the people, also wanted to be political to help people with less money and give them more opportunities, but within all that a word had in common "help" and discovered that a career...
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