Over time, the music has been considered as a factor of culture and history for humanity. Formerly themusic was the product of a mix of instruments that now are considered as primitive but thanks to these it has today all the existing types of genres.Although the music today has become one of the world's main sources of income, the music is today the great masses moving world, a musical genrecan have millions of followers and that is why having the viewer can force him to realize what you want. This problem has been growing steadily and themusic has evolved from mere entertainment, to become the influence of millions of human beings. Today urban tribes are characterized by the kind ofmusic you hear. This leads to that music also destroys you in an almost unwatchable is silent, but very dangerous, the music tells you how you dress,how you should act, and you reach the point where you lose your dignity and your essence, because the music today tells you who you should be andmost of this is terrifying fall into this vice, just to be part of something that you feel something, when what really matters is having your hand toyour family and not because others say that you should be so to be like them.
The society has gone through what I say the music, the music maycontain themes sexual ad inciting to violence, to the revolution, but we must recognize that music can also leave a message that will endure over time.
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