El duplicador digital

Páginas: 5 (1245 palabras) Publicado: 8 de febrero de 2011
Ten years ago digital duplicating equipment was not available in the United States. Five years ago, use of the technology was spreading rapidly, but mostly in a few small vertical market niches. Today, it's grown beyond those limited uses to general acceptance in many industries and organizations. Yet, it's still not as widely known or used as photocopying. The technology provides copies justlike xerographic copiers do, with tremendous advantages in cost, speed and reliability. So why doesn't everyone have one? Is it a technology that could benefit your organization? To answer those questions effectively, you need to know a little about the technology. diagram of duplication process

In simple terms, the digital duplicator looks and operates like your everyday office copier, butinside, the technology works more like an offset press. Digital duplicating blends three very reliable, high-quality printing technologies into one easy-to-use, compact system: Digital Signal Processing Push-Button Electronics Ink-On-Paper Imaging The blend of these three technologies provides a system, which prints high-quality documents like those done on a press, at the touch of a button, and for afraction of the cost of copying. Inside the equipment, the process is clean, quiet and simple. The digital duplicator captures an image digitally and then automatically creates a master, which is like a plate on the offset press. Next, ink is applied to make a copy. The diagram shows how this works in more detail. The result is a system with higher reliability and lower costs than othertechnologies. So why doesn't everyone use digital duplicating instead of copying? Well, there is one catch. The cost of the master, usually around thirty cents, makes the digital duplicator impractical for less than 20 copies of a page. The majority of copy jobs (memos, letters, reports, faxes, spreadsheets, etc.) made in a typical office are between one to three copies per page.

Digital duplicatingequipment is best used for mid to high volume office copying jobs. And, it can reduce the amount of printing done on offset presses, either through an in-plant print shop or on jobs sent to outside vendors. The advent of desktop publishing and "On Demand Digital Printing" has also created opportunities for the growing use of digital duplicating. As its name implies, digital duplicating technology isdigital, and as a result, is connectable to PCs and networks. It also offers the advantage of printing in spot color - that is two or more separate colors per page (as opposed to full process color used for magazines or brochures). Common applications for digital duplicators include newsletters, forms, memos, fund-raising or marketing solicitation materials, training materials and manuals, flyersand many others. The main requirement for economic use of the technology is that run-lengths (copies per page) are twenty or more. The longer the run-length, the greater are the cost savings versus photocopying. As you can see from the cost per copy chart, the savings grow with each copy made on a digital duplicator, compared to the typical copier. The duplicator can also save money compared to anoffset press, which requires much longer run-lengths to be practical economically. Per copy costs on the duplicator can drop well below a penny per copy with long enough runs.

Choosing the Right Digital Duplicator
There are a few key specs that you want to pay attention to when purchasing a digital duplicator. The following is list of recommended specifications. Obviously there will be specialrequirements based on your needs but this will be a good basis for comparison to a standard digital duplicator. Time to First Copy: This is the amount of time it takes the machine to make the first copy. After that, every other duplicate comes out faster. Better machines perform at no more than 26 seconds for the first copy Speed: Variable from 60 to 120 copies per minute Scanner Resolution...
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