El Príncipe


Símbolos dentro de la obra y temas

Fortune, fate

In Chapter XXV Machiavelli uses the metaphor of the raging river which sweeps everything in its path to point to the overwhelming force with which at first assailed by fortune. Like the river inevitably destroys everything in its path if you are not prepared, fortune can be crucial to humans if it finds that there are virtues that can protect him from his fate. But as men prepare to face putting levees and flood walls, you can mix decisions and actions with fortune and help to shape a more promising destination, even great. Fortune reigns only when there is no virtue, when it is not prepared and organized to deal with it and like the river, destroys the weak points where no levees. In this sense governs fortune to Italy in Machiavelli's time for this nation lacks virtues, could protect levees.



            Freedom is a permanent topic in Machiavelli's work. Chapter V is seen as an incentive to the rebellion and also as the greatest desire of the people. Later in the chapters for the selection of the secretaries of the Prince, Machiavelli states the permission of a kind of freedom controlled input that loses all sense of authenticity. Whatever the textual reference to refer to Machiavelli no danger more terrible than the capacity of a people and of a man to govern himself. Around this fear rotate the suggestions and opinions expressed in The...

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