El principito




These two chapters seem to synthesize all the work. They describe the last moments that the narrator and the prince spent together in the desert. Start in the pit, ready to be used with a bucket and pulley. The narrator gets water through their efforts and the prince asked cube drink. This action could understand that many times people do not know what they want and yet, this could be something as simple as a rose or a little water.

            Once sated the thirst, the prince asked the muzzle of his sheep, the narrator draws him and the prince admits that the next day is the anniversary of his fall. The narrator realizes that the parting is approaching and is afraid because maybe, like the fox, has been left tame.



The next day the narrator surprises the prince looking for the place of his landing in the company of a snake. When the narrator realizes the tone of the conversation was holding chest press, as the snake prepares to kill the prince. The narrator snake surprises, this escapes and he runs to salvage the little prince. The response you get is that boy is happy that the narrator has finally found what was missing in your machine and you can now go home. The prince says he also comes home with a serious look, lost far away. The narrator realizes...

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