Introduccion de 2012

Páginas: 3 (559 palabras) Publicado: 29 de marzo de 2011
Social Phenomena Generated by Interpretations of the Mayan Codes

The purpose of this essay is to give the reader an extended idea of the social effects caused by the different interpretations ofthe Mayan Codes related to the year 2012. In order to accomplish this objective the reader will find a brief description of the codes and a detailed research of the different interpretations of theCodes. Then the different interpretations of the Mayan Codes will be related to several social phenomena that had been happening since the sixties.
The essay do not pretend to give a personalinterpretation of the Mayan codes, criticize the different interpretations of the Mayan codes or judge the beliefs and points of view about the theories for the year 2012.
During the last century and in thefirst years of this century researchers, writers, archeologists, astrologists, astronomies and society in general had present a very important and increasing interest for the Maya Codes.
There arefour Mayan Codes that are causing great expectations and had been subjects of great number of different interpretations and theories. The names of three of the four codes are related to the places wherethe codes are. These codes are Paris, Madrid and Dresden Codes. The fourth code is named Grolier, founded in 1965 by Dr. Saenz and showed to Michael D, Coe, an important Maya researcher, in theGrolier club in New York in 1971. These four codes were made using inner bark of fig trees, and treated with lime on its surface.
The information founded on the codes is not written, it is expressed inpictographic language. This is one of the most important reasons of the ambiguity of interpretations. The reader will realize of secondary intentions for different explanations of this codes.

In1966 Michael D. Coe published a book titled “The Maya”, in which an interpretation of Mayan Codes relates the year 2012 with the apocalypses.
Frank Waters, an American writer, published Mexico...
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