Informacion de vincent van gogh

Páginas: 2 (310 palabras) Publicado: 17 de enero de 2012
Vincent van Gogh

Van Gogh loved art from an early age. He began to draw as a child, and he continued making drawings throughout the years leading to his decision to become anartist
As a child, Vincent was serious, silent and thoughtful. He attended the Zundert village school from 1860, where the single Catholic teacher taught around 200 pupils.


Going against the objections of his banker father, he committed himself to pursuing his artistic development and left Aix for Paris in 1861.

Cézanne's early work isoften concerned with the figure in the landscape and includes many paintings of groups of large, heavy figures in the landscape, imaginatively painted. Later in his career, he becamemore interested in working from direct observation and gradually developed a light, airy painting style that was to influence the Impressionists enormously
One day, Cézanne wascaught in a storm while working in the field Only after working for two hours under a downpour did he decide to go home; but on the way he collapsed. He was taken home by a passingdriver. His old housekeeper rubbed his arms and legs to restore the circulation; as a result, he regained consciousnessOn the following day, he intended to continue working, but later onhe fainted; the model with whom he was working called for help; he was put to bed, and he never left it again. He died a few days later, on 22 October 1906 He died of pneumonia andwas buried at the old cemetery in his beloved hometown of Aix-en-Provence

Post impresionsm

The term was coined in 1910 by Roger Fry in the title of an exhibition of modernFrench painters: Manet and Post-Impressionism, organized by Fry for the Grafton Galleries in London. Most of the artists in the exhibition were younger than the Impressionists.
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