What has eight years experience working with biomass-fired boilers in factories, palm oil, I can say that the treatment of boiler water, palm oil mill is a difficult task in terms of industrial boilers. Instead, industrial boilers that are highly dependent on the return of condensate and water for industry, electric water heater, water supply raw water from the factory on thewrists, lakes, rivers or wells.
Picture of Steam Boiler
Steam Boiler
Relatively condensate from palm oil plants, can be recovered due to the large number of permanent sterilizer condensate and the use of steam in some heating. Palm oil mills, a low concentration of the cycle is not unusual, as the chemicals, lost to bleeding.
Shares of raw water from the high levels of pollutants, turbidity,dissolved gases and minerals. Sometimes, algae, mud and oil be present, and silica is a particular problem in the lake, the treatment more difficult. No water or inadequate treatment is dangerous because it can cause skin exfoliation, and the reliability, efficiency and smooth operation of the boiler.
In general, hot water treatment, the treatment of water and its outskirts. Water treatment as anexternal cooling water tank to remove impurities, hardness, oil, oxygen, to remove suspended and dissolved substances outside the pocket and usually done by mechanical means, such a declaration or sand pressure filters, water softeners, and air.
Picture of Steam Boiler
Steam Boiler
Because you can not get a complete water treatment boiler water industry, water for domestic use, especially inthe chemical agents. All technicians must be aware, boilers, hot water heater should be stressed, and more chemicals into the boiler is not desirable.
In industrial boilers and the removal of turbidity is a solid system of municipal wastewater treatment. It’s a different story, but palm oil mills. Outpatient treatment and boiler-up (water), pH, making coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation,filtration, softening, and then released. Soda is added when the pH is low. Sodium affects the pH with carbonate at pH 5.5 to 8.0 set clotting function. Chemical coagulants are out in the intake manifold on the bottom of the continuous case of metered water.
Picture of Steam Boiler
Steam Boiler
Coagulation and flocculation are the basic steps in the treatment of boiler water turbidity, organicmatter and color of raw water to be reduced. Coagulation, neutralize negative charges together on the surface of colloidal particles and form the snowflakes permits that are installed slowly. The most common coagulants are aluminum sulfate (aluminum), sodium aluminate and polyaluminum (PAC).
synthetic polymers called polyelectrolytes coagulation method was developed. Precipitation is slower thanlarger particles of sediment in urban coagulation flake solution quickly, with the addition of flocculants, such as organic polymers (starch) or synthetic polymers such as polyacrylamide (PAM) and set the bridge of particles in urban areas large.
Picture of Steam Boiler
Steam Boiler
Natural resources, is to sell water is continuously pumped settlers booster pumps flakes. reduce the speed ofwater increases and the resulting shape of the clip layer of mud above the cone section. Settlers will be removed periodically to the heavy mud on the floor with clean water is a constant remove fresh water tank, be up to a pressure sand filter, sewage, are where the solid particles and escaped the fines, filtered and removed.
Overall, the sand filter to remove particulate matter. Sand filters aremostly made of sand and gravel, anthracite, 100%, or pass a combination of sand, gravel and anthracite. The tank has enough water in the reservoir and the water is low, the boiler may be interested. Water softener, sodium zeolite ion exchange to remove hardness.
Picture of Steam Boiler
Steam Boiler
Task water softeners to remove hardness (calcium and magnesium), with the ion exchange...
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