Water Pollution

Páginas: 9 (2055 palabras) Publicado: 5 de noviembre de 2015
Water pollution
Water pollution is a modification of this, usually caused by the human being, that makes it inappropriate or dangerous for human consumption, industry, agriculture, fishing and recreational activities, as well as for the animals and the natural life, everyday. While the contamination of the waters may come from natural sources most of the current level of pollution comes fromhuman activities.
The main pollutants in the water are the following:
waste, chemical waste from the factories, industries, etc. sewage and other wastes that require oxygen (for the most part organic matter, whose decomposition produces the deoxygenation of the water).
Pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites that enter the water from organic waste, including feces and othermaterials that can be decomposed by aerobic bacteria.
Plant nutrients that can stimulate m growth of aquatic plants. These , after which they interfere with uses which water is intended and , to decompose, depleting dissolved oxygen and produce unpleasant odors.
Chemicals, including pesticides, various industrial products , surface-active substances contained in detergents and other organic compoundsdecomposition
Oil, especially from accidental discharges.
Inorganic minerals and chemical compounds
Sediment formed by soil particles and minerals washed away by storms and runoff from farmland , floors without protection, mining , roads and urban demolition .

The seas are a sewer pipe. Of constantform, large numbers of muds and othermaterials dragged from ground, are spilledin the oceans. Nowadays, nevertheless, there are addedto the natural contributions every timemajor quantities of garbage generated byour societies, especially wastes waterloaded with chemical pollutants and withproducts of waste proceeding from theindustry, the agriculture and the domesticactivity,but also of radioactive wastes andof other types.

The pollution tends to center in the places next the inhabited andindustrialized zones.
The growth of the pollution in the water only has done that every day more we meet affected, since this affectation does that each of us this one failing to take advantage of this valuable resource since it it is the water, and if we do not stop throwing garbages or waste and if we do not make anything sufficiently important that it changes the mentality of our people, it is nevergoing to be achieved to come to the aim for which many of us have been tried by by us to fight somehow this way be with a bit of what we have learned on the environmental care.
The principal pollutants of the water are toxic waste, these are thrown by the human being, it can go from a person who dirties the water with big quantities of detergent or and the most harmful, companies and factories thatspill tons of poison to rivers, lakes, valleys and oceans. A way that might be very effective to diminish the water pollution would be not to use immense quantities of detergents and that the factories were seeking to implement technologies not to throw his toxic waste to vital zones for the planet, that would become exhausted any more money of which they would have foreseen and surely they wouldnot do it for his own will since what they wish is to have economic profit great more.
Effects of the water pollution to:
The pollutants of the water, already they are introduced by domestic, industrial or agricultural route, they can produce, in general, numerous types of effects that will will to be studied depending on the use that wants to be given to the water, or, inside the perspective tohave a few waters of better quality, with end of preserving the aquatic life and be able to dedicate it to recreative or purely aesthetic ends. Later there will be mentioned the principal effects that produce each of the pollutant elements, already be on the man, the ecosystems or the materials.

Types of pollutants of the water to:

The pollutants of the water can qualify in different ways. A...
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