Unmanned Combat & Reconnaissance System (Ucrs)
Unmanned Combat & Reconnaissance System (UCRS)
Increment 1
Unmanned Combat & Reconnaissance System (UCRS), Increment 1
Validation Authority: Joint Requirements Oversight Committee (JROC)
Approval Authority: JROC
Milestone Decision Authority: Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisitions,Technology & Logistics) USD(AT&L)
Designation: JROC Interest
Prepared for Milestone B
1 February 2009
Executive Summary. (Not provided as part of this exercise)
Revision History. N/A
Table of Contents.
Executive Summary. 1
Revision History. 1
Points of Contact. 1
1. Capability Discussion. 2
2. Analysis Summary. 2
3. Concept of Operations Summary. 2
4. Threat Summary. 3
5. ProgramSummary. 4
6. System Capabilities Required for the Current Increment. 4
7. Family of System and System of System Synchronization. 6
8. National Security System and Information Technology System (NSS and ITS) Supportability. 6
9. Intelligence Supportability. 6
10. Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) and Spectrum Supportability. 6
11. Assets Required to Achieve Initial OperationalCapability. 7
12. Schedule and IOC/Full Operational Capability (FOC) Definitions. 7
13. Other Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and education, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF) Considerations. 7
14. Other System Attributes. 10
15. Program Affordability. 10
Appendix A. CRD/CDD/CPD Crosswalk 10
Appendix B . Integrated Architecture Products 10
Appendix C. References 10Appendix D. Acronyms 10
Points of Contact. (Not provided as part of this exercise)
1. Capability Discussion. Required capabilities are defined in Unmanned Combat & Reconnaissance System (UCRS) Initial Capabilities Document, 25 August 2006. UCRS addresses deficiencies in the following joint functional areas: battlespace awareness, command and control, force protection, and force application.These joint functional areas encompass tactical operations dealing with intelligence gathering; reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA); mine detection; direct and indirect fire support; attack of moving targets; reduction of bunkers and other strong point defenses; and communication of target locations to indirect fire and command and control systems such as Advanced FieldArtillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS), Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS), and the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). These tactical missions will be performed predominately in areas too hazardous to send humans or manned vehicles. UCRS will facilitate the remote performance of high value, high risk missions.
2. Analysis Summary.
a. Force Structure. Existingreconnaissance, surveillance and target attack (RSTA) capabilities are manpower intensive and expose operator personnel to effective counterattack by threat systems and forces. Additionally, the size and weight of current systems makes them difficult to transport by air to remote locations to support rapid deployment forces. The broad array of missions requiring enhanced RSTA capabilities necessitatesthe employment of unmanned systems to the maximum extent possible to insure the effectiveness of fielded forces within the current force structure ceilings.
b. Force Protection. The vulnerability of current systems has increased dramatically since the mid-1990’s. This trend is exacerbated by the proliferation of advanced technology and weapon systems available to regional military powers andtransnational terrorist groups. Unmanned systems will provide enhanced capabilities concomitantly with fewer casualties, especially for high risk missions such as long range reconnaissance into defended territory, mine clearance, and the reduction of bunkers and other defensive positions.
c. Statutory Mandate. Current DoD inventory of weapons systems is not in conformance with the FY 2001...
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