Un Nino Juan Bosch
December 25,1642
Doctors and Nurseries came in the room. Hannah Ayscough is giving birth to a baby named Isaac Newton.” Same as his father” said mother Hannah. Doctor said “bornprematurely but he is a special kid, he will make it big. He will be known, and he will do something nobody has ever done”. Mother Hannah asked “why you think that doctor?”. He said “he was born in aspecial day, today the Gregorian calendar consider it Christmas. Christmas is a special day as same as special as your kid is.” Hannah answered “Thank you Doctor”.
Chapter 2
Isaac’s EarlyEducation
From twelve to seventeen Isaac was educated at King’s School. When he was removed from school Hannah told Isaac “you have to start farming”. Isaac didn’t like farming. In June 1661 he enteredTrinity College were the modern philosophers studied such as Descartes, Copernicus, Aristotle, Galileo, and Aristotle. In 1665 he discovered the generalized binominal theorem and later a mathematicaltheory. Newton obtained his degree. The university temporarily closed as a precaution against the Great Plague. He was an undistinguished Cambridge student. In Newton’s private studies in Woolsthorpethey could see his development in his theories in calculus.
Chapter 3
Isaac and Mathematics
Newton’s work was seen as an advanced branch of all his mathematics studies. His works were usuallyfluxions and calculus. He had a manuscript in 1666 known as Newton’s mathematic papers. Newton didn’t wanted his papers to be seen because he feared of controversy and critism. Newton was close tomathematician Nicolas Fatio de Duillier. In 1691started to write a new version of Newton’s principia. In 1693 the relationship between Duillier and Newton ended and the book was never completed.
Chapter 4Newton’s Optics
Newton investigated the refraction of Lights demonstrating that prism could decompose white light into a spectrum of colors. And that lens and spectrum could recompose the...
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