Traducciones Ingles
mount rushmore national memorial is in the black hill of south dakoto , in the us. gutzon borglum,an american sculptor, carved it. contruction started in 1927 and finishedin 1941. the memorial is a hege sculpture carve in granite on the side of mout rushmore. it shows the faces of four american presidents : george washington, thomas jefferson, theodore rooseveltand abraham lincoln. each head is about 60 feet hight. about 2 000 000 visit the memorial every year.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial se encuentra en el cerro negrodel sur de dakoto, en EstadosUnidos. Gutzon Borglum, un escultoramericano, lo talló. contrucción se inició en 1927 y terminado en 1941. el monumento es una escultura de talla en granito hegemoníaen el lado de mout Rushmore. quemuestra los rostros de cuatro presidentes americanos: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,Theodore Roosevelt y Abraham Lincoln. cada cabeza es de unos 60 pies de alto. alrededor de 2 000 000,visite el monumento cada año.
In the US. the head of stated and government is the president. the president lives and works in the white house in washington, DC.
the president has toperform many different duties. he has to make important decisions, bills and executive orders , meet with the leaders of other countries and control the US army.
the americans elect thepresidents in the presidential elections that take, place every four years, in early november. all US president candidates must be natural - born citizens live in the US for for 14 years,and 35 years oldor older. the president can server a maximum of two terms. which is a total of eight years.
En los EE.UU.. el jefe de gobierno establecido y es el presidente. el presidente vive ytrabaja en la Casa Blanca en Washington, DC.
el presidente tiene que realizar muchas funciones diferentes. él tiene que tomar decisiones importantes, las facturas y órdenes ejecutivas, reunirse con...
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