The Importance Of Knowing The English Language
Today more than ever it is essential to learn English. Every day is used more in almost all areas of knowledge and human development. Practically it can be argued that the language of the world. It is, in the era of globalization, the great international language, a "lingua franca" that has affected all non-Anglo-Saxon countries, including Spain,affecting more or less directly to the various fields and professions. Possession can not be treated as a luxury, but a clear need. Moreover, even as he said that language would not dominate a distinct disadvantage: it would be like if half dumb or illiterate. And the reasons to say.
The aim of this paper is, then, to see these reasons and educate youth and their families acquire the enormousimportance of that language.
First, it is the tool that allows communication with people from other countries in the globalized world in which we live. It is indisputable: English has become the global language of communication par excellence, one of the most widely used worldwide. It's official language, or has a special status in some 75 territories around the world.
Recent estimates suggestthat about 402 million people speak it as their first language, and is currently used by over 1,000 million non-native speakers. And this number will grow at least until 2015, when, on the other hand, some 2,000 million people in the world they could be learning, concludes a recent report by the British Council. Anyway, in just over a decade it will speak three billion people or half of humanity.The consequences of the advance of this linguistic tide are immeasurable. Within a few generations for the first time in the history of "homo sapiens", most of our species will be able to communicate in one language.
This is the biggest blow to civilization, worldwide, during the last quarter century. In almost all parts of the world's most speak at least some English, so that almost everywhere,who knows, it could "survive." This expansion is a real earthquake in human history, one of the most important events that have happened to mankind since the birth of language. No language before he had reached the universality, nor had so far or so fast. is the first time in history that is possible to identify a language as predominant.
French outside of France's days are numbered; FrancophoneAfrica is changing to English. Portuguese Africa is abandoning the Portuguese. Experienced a shy German temporary advance in the emerging Eastern Europe, but elsewhere outside Germany disappears. The Russian, who could think for some time we have to learn, is over. In Japan are learning English and developing their own preferred alternative. China will resist, but Mandarin and Cantonese will notreach beyond its native speakers. More new Muslims to learn English than Arabic. Only Spanish is gaining importance and growing (but among the American people, who already speaks English).
The English language is the easiest of all to learn. This is one of the reasons that prevailed in the United States. The descendants of the Germans, for example, were far more numerous at the time of the birthof this nation, however, was the Englishman who finally won.
Global consensus, English has been chosen as the language of international communication. It is "de facto", the language of diplomacy, in a "global" in that relations between countries are becoming more important.
His knowledge is compulsory requirement for work in institutions supragovernmental, for example. In 2001, there was aquery to the 189 member countries of the United Nations on the desired language for communication between embassies. More than 120 chose English (including Vietnam, countries that once formed the Soviet Union and most of those in the Arab world), 40 selected French, and 20 opted for Castilian. The "status" was conferred upon him by the political domination, economic and military exerted mainly...
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