The Colosseum
In ancienttimes had a capacity of about 50,000 spectators, with eighty rows gradas.1 March 2 Those near the arena were the Emperor and the Senate, and as they stood were the lower strata of society. In the Coliseumwere held gladiator fights and public spectacles. It is built just east of the Roman Forum, and construction started between 70 d. C. and 72 d. C., under command of Emperor Vespasian. Theamphitheater, which was the largest ever built in the Roman Empire, was completed in 80 d. C. by Emperor Titus, and was amended during the reign of Domiciano.4 His inauguration lasted 100 days, participating inher whole Roman people dying in their celebration and dozens of gladiators and wild beasts who gave their lives for the pleasure and entertainment of the people 0.4
The Colosseum was used foralmost 500 years, celebrating the last games of history in the sixth century, much later than the traditional date of the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 d. C. Just as gladiator fights, many otherpublic spectacles were held here, as Naumaquias, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on classical mythology. The building ceased to be used for these purposesin the early Middle Ages. It was later reused as shelter, factory, home of a religious order, strength and quarry. From its ruins extracted abundant material for the construction of other buildings,...
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