Teaching planning

Páginas: 2 (433 palabras) Publicado: 20 de agosto de 2012
Wendy Dayana Morales Morales
Carnet: 5076-12-12-729
Summary Lesson Planning:
Many times teachers ask themselves “which way must they have to choose”. Teaching English is so different to teachanother subject because the most important fact it is students develop a foreign language, so I came back with the initial question what is the correct way to abroad? The answer is a written planning,but Why written? Teacher can plan in two different ways and these two have different porpoises. Internal and External planning. Internal it is only to satisfy the teacher’s expectation of class;internal give to teacher the control before the lesson begins. There a quite number of models of lesson planning one of them and very effective has the next structure: Perspective or opening, Simulation,Instruction/participation, Closure and Follow-up. Activities are so important are the developing of the lesson plan but need special care to not create a disorder in class and not racing differentactivities just because are written in the lesson plan. Evaluating lesson plan is pretty important after giving lesson or even when teacher is developing these, teacher can guess how successful was theirlesion and it helps to fix in the way the wrong steps in the process. I could say daily lesson planning make easier and successful the teaching-learning process and is not an option it is a necessityto become our students and us better every day.

Video Analysis:

Video # 1 Teacher are people:
Teaching is a huge challenge we have to deal with many kinds of personalities, different children,different cultures, different home education and different needs. For that, reason teacher must be preparing for any situation that could happen in the classroom. The best tool to deal withinconvenient in classroom is a lesson plan without it we are like a sold without weapon in the war. Remember teacher does not have all answers and neither is a superhero, but teacher has to take the control in...
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