Teaching large classes al college higher eductaion 2010
Teaching in Higher Education
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Teaching large classes at college and university level: challenges and opportunities
Catherine Mulryan-Kynea a St Patrick's College of Education, Dublin City University, Drumcondra, Dublin, Ireland Online publication date: 06 April 2010
To cite this Article Mulryan-Kyne, Catherine(2010)'Teaching large classes at college and university level: challenges and
opportunities', Teaching in Higher Education, 15: 2, 175 — 185 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/13562511003620001 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13562511003620001
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Teaching in Higher Education Vol. 15, No. 2, April 2010, 175Á185
Teachinglarge classes at college and university level: challenges and opportunities
Catherine Mulryan-Kyne*
St Patrick’s College of Education, Dublin City University, Drumcondra, Dublin, Ireland
Downloaded By: [Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile] At: 01:44 23 August 2010
The past decade has seen a substantial increase in the enrolment figures of tertiary level colleges and universities in OECDcountries and it is predicted that this increase will continue. One of the likely consequences of these increases is the maintenance and/or increase of class sizes in colleges and universities, especially at undergraduate level. It is clear from the research literature that large classes at tertiary level create particular problems for staff and students alike, many of which can contribute toless effective teaching and learning. Lecturing still remains the predominant teaching approach in the context of large group undergraduate teaching. However, there is evidence that other teaching approaches that focus on making large group teaching more active and student centered are also being used. More active teaching approaches may go some way towards addressing some of the problems that arebeing encountered in the context of large group teaching. Support for and training of college teachers and further research is needed in this context. Keywords: college/university teaching; class size; large classes; active teaching; the lecture; teaching approaches
Levels of participation levels in colleges and universities in OECD countries Over the past decade, most Organisation for EconomicCooperation and Development (OECD) countries have seen an increase in the education levels of citizens, with a substantial increase in some countries. The rise in enrolment figures at tertiary level has been particularly significant. For example, between 1995 and 2002 the increase in tertiary level enrolment in OECD countries was over 50% in the case of the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary,...
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