Superlearnig essay
"Superlearning® is the work of a detective team that hunted down the techniques - and the evidence that they work - in the secrecy shrouded Communist bloc. Their workreads like a spy story bolstered with painstaking research and tenacious pursuit of taboo material." City Woman (Toronto)
Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder are the team. Internationally acclaimedauthors they are well known for seeking out breakthrough discoveries about human possibilities around the world. They have written ten books - bestsellers in 19 languages, appeared on over 2000 TV andradio shows and lectured globally. A duo that can help you separate the steak from the sizzle, the hope from the hype in human potential.
|They introduced accelerated learning |But would it workin Des Moines? They |Pioneering teachers at the Universities of |
|Ostrander and Schroeder were the first to |brought the news to the West and |Toronto and Iowa proved it can work here -|
|uncover an almost unbelievable new way to |almost sunk under an avalanche of |spectacularly. Ostrander and Schroeder combined |
|open potential that was hotly pursued in |interest -some from unusual places. |reams of new research and joined by Nancy |
|the Communist world. In Moscow and Sofia |When they spoke at the Pentagon's |Ostrander came up with a practicaldo-it-yourself|
|they met with the man who created the seeds|think tank, IDA, the most frequent |system - Superlearning®. Now you can find |
|of a worldwide mind revolution, Georgi|question was "What about that learning|Superlearners on five continents. |
|Lozanov, MD. |system..." ||
Who can do it? Executives and grammar school kids, Audi technicians learning robotics, third graders learning spelling, retirees, med. students, metaphysicians and language...
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