S7 300

Páginas: 18 (4309 palabras) Publicado: 4 de julio de 2010
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S7 communication between S7-200 and S7-300/400

S7 communication between S7-200 and S7-300/400

Entry-ID: 17369594

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... 2 Question........................................................................................................................ 2 How do I configure a S7 connection to exchange data between S7-200 and S7-300/400 on Industrial Ethernet? ............................................................. 2 Answer........................................................................................................................... 2 The instructions and notes listed in this document provide adetailed answer to this question. ............................................................................... 2 1 2 2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 3 S7 communication between S7-200 and S7-300/400 ................................... 4 Configuration of a client connection in the S7-200........................................... 4 Configure a client connection to the S7-300 ................................................ 8 Configure a client connection to the S7-400 .............................................. 11 Configure the S7-300/400 as server for the S7 communication ..................... 18 Configuration of a server connection in the S7-200........................................ 20 Configure aserver connection to the S7-300............................................. 23 Configure a server connection to the S7-400............................................. 24 Configure the S7-300/400 as client for the S7 communication....................... 27 Configuration of the S7 connection ............................................................ 27 Calling the function blocks in the S7program............................................ 31 History ........................................................................................................... 32

Copyright © Siemens AG 2008 All rights reserved S7_Komm_S7300_en.doc

2.2 2.3



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How do I configure a S7 connection to exchange data between S7-200 and S7-300/400 on Industrial Ethernet?

The instructions and notes listed in this document provide a detailed answer to this question.




S7 communication between S7-200 andS7-300/400

Entry-ID: 17369594


The S7-200 with CP243-1 supports the S7 communication as server and client, i.e. it’s possible to • • configure a client connection in the S7-200. So the S7-200 builds up active the S7 connection to the remote server. configure a server connection in the S7-200. So the S7-200 takes passive part in building up the S7 connection. The remote clientbuilds up active the S7 connection to the S7-200. The S7-200 provides the data as server.

For the S7-200 you have to configure the S7 connection in STEP 7MicroWIN with the Ethernet Wizard and for the S7-300 and S7-400 you have to configure the S7 connection in STEP 7. In this example in the S7-200, S7-300 and S7-400 respectively is used a PLC and a communication processor. You can alternative use aPLC with integrated Industrial Ethernet interface in the S7-300 and S7-400.

Copyright © Siemens AG 2008 All rights reserved S7_Komm_S7300_en.doc




S7 communication between S7-200 and S7-300/400

Entry-ID: 17369594


S7 communication between S7-200 and S7-300/400
Configuration of a client connection in the S7-200
In this example the S7-200 is...
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