Resumen t. muntzer
- He also criticized Luther's university-based theology, calling it the faith of "untested scribes" who presume to charge money for their teaching, preacho only a "honey-sweet Christ" that fails to challenge worldly pleasure, and "snarl like dogs when contradicted"
-On Contrived Faith was composed as a kind of sequal to the Protest or Offering and apparently with the longer work athand. It is in part a précis of the Protest, but it also covers new ground in its use of scritural example and remarks on the function of the Scripture.
Although it did not meet with the wholehearted approval of the Zuric radicals (comentario: Conrad Grebel le escribió a TM diciéndole que tenía ciertas reservas sobre la forma en que quería llevar la reforma a nivel liturgico, pero que loapoyaba. De hecho lo consideraba "(a) sincere and true proclaimer of the gospel"), an important part of Muntzer's reforming work in Allstedt was the development of a new vernacular liturgy to replace the traditional Latin Mass and other ceremonies, including a reorganization of the liturgical calendar... Muntzer produced the first comprehensive liturgy in the German language at a time when Luther wasstill reluctant to abandon Latin. Liturgical reform clearly meant a great deal to Muntzer, who was aware that a liturgy shapes as well as reflects religious beliefs and that a liturgy is a social phenomenon shared by the community as a whole.
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-In addition to the two major liturgical works (German Church Office [Deutsches Kirchenamt] and German Evangelical Mass [Deutsche-evangelischeMesse), Muntzer also wrote a shorter Order and Account of the German Service at Allstedt, which he composed late in 1523 or early 1524, between the completion of the Church Office and the Mass.
-The Order and Account allowed Muntzer to summarize for his readers the changes he had made in the Mass, to report on the completion of a liturgy for the sacraments and sacramentals, and to present ajustification for his reforms, including their biblical basis. (nota: esta obra viene como una respuesta a las críticas de reformadores [quienes decían que esta misa era más bien una ceremonia papal] como a Roma, quienes veían estos cambios como "experimentos liturgicos")... Hence the prefatory material for the Mass consiste of two separate statements. Muntzer's response to each camp of critics.
-Theopening section of the Order and Account makes plain that Muntzer's saw the function of his liturgy as the "elevation and edification" of the whole community. This implied several things for him: 1. it meant a vernacular liturgy... so that there would be nothing secret or private, accessible only to the priest. 2. He wanted liturgical passages of Scripture
to be understood in their largentcontext (ie. whole psalms or chapters being recited). 3. linking these two
and also continuing a theme from earlier writings, the spiritual improvement of the community meant an attach on all forms of superstition or magic, whether that which was associated with the priest as an "echanter", with holy signs and objects, or with an imagined incantatory power possed by Latin words. THE PROPERPREPARATION FOR COMMUNION, ACCORDING TO MUNTZER, WAS DEVELOPING THE KNOWLEDGE THAT GOD IS NOT A THOUSAND MILES AWAY BUT WITHIN THE INDIVIDUAL.
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- He also argued that it is the faith of the many pious people that a congregation surely contains that guarantees Christ presennce in the sacrament.
-The first preface to the German Evangelical Mass included a bried statement of the changes Muntzermade in the liturgical calender, changes that he developed at much greater length in his German Church Office.
-Muntzer proposed instead a liturgical year that set aside feasts for various saints, even those of the Virgin, and that was divided into five "offices", spread over the year. These offices were orientes exclusively on Christ and the holy spirit... Thus the liturgical calendar became a...
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