
Páginas: 2 (440 palabras) Publicado: 14 de febrero de 2013
F: Good morning we stay in your favorite program fox sports. And in this section I have the honor to present you winners of the someone players of Mexican selection. They won in the Olympics games,and represent the best team of the world. Receive them with loud applause.
Hello gays; welcome to fox sports I’m so happy to accept the invitation for this interview. Let’s star.
* What do youfeel when you won the first gold medal in the Olympics games?
M: is very exciting to have achieved this and we have won like that
* What do you feel when you listen the Mexican anthem in Wenbleystadium?
P: it’s honor listening and singing the Mexican anthem and everybody recognize the Mexican talent.
* What do you thing before began the play?
Y: I feel exciting and nervous but alwaysthought the best and we could win the play.
* What happened in the Senegal Play?
A: in this game we were very relax in the last part of the game, we disorganized and the play turn complete, butin the half time we thought only got the pass of the next play.
* Was it difficult getting gold medal?
M: Yes, it was so difficult getting this place in the Olympics games, but always we aretogether and work in team.
* There were funny moments?
P: Of course, not everything was the play and train. We were having a lot of funny moments together and I never forget.
* In the japanplay what did you feel when you took the control?
Y: I was exciting but we thought all the time: japan was a big selection, but we could win this play and passed to the final.
* Did you thing youcould win against Brazil?
A: Yes, Why no? Only did the best word that we did in the others games. And got the gold.
* What happened when you came back?
M: the people received us very well,and they talked only about the victory.
* What did you feel when you became the best goal keeper?
P: I felt very well and proud and now I have a big responsibility with the Mexican team.
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