Quienes Han Inspirado Mi Vida
Firstly, my father. Hehas had a gigantic influence on me due to his tenacity. Because of his occupation as a truck driver, he often spent most of his time on the road. However, regardless of how tired he came home, hemade it a priority to be with us, his family, during the whole weekend. He always showed us how happy he was to be home with us and that his daughters were the most important part of his life. He alsomade it a priority that we completed university studies, so that we would be able to achieve a professional career. He taught me that work is important because it dignifies, but when it is carried outafter completing a main university program, work also allows goals to be more easily obtained. I was then convinced that I needed to obtain a university degree to ensure I would reach my goals. Inaddition, my father was also very affectionate, especially with me. He was my accomplice in many situations where my mother showed her intransigence. I once had a fight with my mother that resulted in meleaving home. In spite of my mother’s anger, my father only showed sadness. Days after, my father and I met. He expressed how bad he felt and how much he cherished families that remain together,despite differences among its members. I was deeply touched by his words and convinced that I had to reconsider my decision. I later went back home. This experience taught me how important it is to beclose to your family, regardlesss of the differences that may exist among your loved ones.
Secondly, my husband. He has occupied an essential role in my life, especially with the positive attitude he...
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