The place where people are born, the family they have, the friends they had in their lives make part of the factors that can influence and shape the personality andbeliefs that an individual holds. For example, I am from Chile. I grew up in a different environment with a different culture and it has influenced my life in many ways, like my way of thinking orhow I react in front of circumstances. There are three groups that have culture and influence my psychology, these three groups are, Culture and Nationality, Culture and Language and, Culture andethnicity.
It is important to acknowledge that human beings are not born with culture, it is something they have to learn through life and many different circumstances they will have to face inlife. In this case, culture and nationality had made a huge impact in the man I am today. Because I was born in Chile and since I grew up over there surrounded by people from that nation, it makesme feel a strong feeling of belongings towards this country and what it represents. People who are willing to help, cheerful, people who in spite of the problems always have something nice to sharelike a simple smile, friendly people. On the other hand, there are some negative aspects about Chile like the violence for which many innocent lives have been lost, but that thanks to the effortof many brave people is fight it every single day to convert this nation on the perfect country many Chile have dreamed.
The second group that has influenced my psychology is the culture andlanguage. Enculturation is a process that will take time. Therefore, learning the details of human language, for the most part, is an enculturation process that might take many years. For example, Familiestend to protect their children in their homes, from birth to 15 years or more. And wait for their children to become adults so they can establish themselves and build their own homes. Still, each...
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