Plan de control

Páginas: 4 (885 palabras) Publicado: 17 de septiembre de 2010
Supplier Control Plan: Audit Summary
MY/Program: Name of Component, Sub-System or System: Part Number(s): Responsible Supplier: Responsible Supplier Quality Specialist: Name of Auditor: DateReviewed: Original ASQP Specialist Opinion in (line through one): Original Supplier Opinion in (line through one): Date of Control Plan (Original or Rev. Level): Overall Rating:Header Overall: "Yes"______ "No"______

Green Green

Yellow Yellow

Red Red

None None

"X" Header "Yes" overall and no more than three sections "E/I" overall = "Green" Neither "Green" nor"Red" criteria met = "Yellow" Two or more non-Header sections "No" overall = "Red"

Number of non-Header sections (2 through 4) not ok:______

1 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g 1h 1i 1j 1k

Does the HeaderContain Adequate Information ? Control Plan identifed correctly for gate (Prototype, Pre-Launch, Production)? Control Plan Number identified? Part Number, Engineering Change Level included? (NIK levelcorrect or reference given to other controlled document if generically defined?) Part Name/Description included? Supplier/Plant identified? Supplier Code identified? Key Contact with Phone numberincluded? Core Team identified with department and telephone numbers? Original Revision date identified? Control Plan Revision date within past 60 days? Note: "N/A" if "(Orig)" date is with 60 days. Note:Also "N/A" unless a known update should have been made. All else ok (no other issues)?
If all answers "Yes," check "Yes." If one or more "No," check "No." Otherwise, "E/I."

Yes E/I No N/A AuditorComments

Note 1: "E/I" = only minor "E"xceptions or requirement "I"nconsistently applied (approx. 25% or less) and correction still required. Note 2: Do not have a given issues that negativelyaffect more than one question.

Operational Flow 2 (Part/Process Number; Process Name/Operation Description; Machine, Device, Jig, Tools for Manufacturing) All process steps are included within the...
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