oraciones en ingles
Audio (Normal)
Parece un buen restaurante.
This looks like a nice restaurant.
Si lo es. Siempre vengo aqui.
Yeah, it is. I come here all the time.Rebecca
Vamos a sentarnos alli.
Let's sit over there.
Me puedes pasar el menu?
Can you pass me a menu please.
Claro.Que vas a tomar?Sure. What are you going to have to drink?
Voy a pedir una cerveza. Y tu?
I'm going to have a glass of beer. How about you?
Creo que voy a pedir una copa de vino.I think I'll have a glass of wine.
Quieres pedir un aperitivo primero?
Do you want to order an appetizer first?
No, no mucho, tal vez podemos pedir solo pan.
Not really, maybe we can just order some bread.Rebecca
Bien. Que vas a comer?
OK. What are you going to have to eat?
No estoy seguro. Todavia no he decidido. Me puedes recomendar algo?I'm not sure. I haven't decided yet. Can you recommendsomething?
Claro, he pedido la carne y la langosta. Las dos estan muy ricas.
Sure, I've had the steak and the lobster before. They're both verygood.
Creo que voy a pedir lalangosta.Y tu que vas a pedir?
I think I'll have the lobster. What are you going to have?
No tengo mucha hambre. Creo que solo voy a pedir una ensalada.I'm not that hungry. I think I'm just going to have a salad.
Voy a ir al bano. Cuando vuelve la camarera, podrias ordenar para mi?
I'm gonna go to the bathroom. When the waitress comes back,will you order for me?
RebeccaClaro. No hay problema.
Sure. No problem.
Ejemplo de Conversacion en Inglés:
Alfredo: Hello. My name is Alfredo.
George: Hello Alfredo, I'm George.
George: How can I help you?Alfredo: Can you tell me where Shinra Factory is?
George: I'm sorry. I have no idea. You're not from here right?
Alfredo: I've just arrived. I'm from Spain.
George: I see....
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