Operacion intranets
Solution Accelerator for Intranets
Operations Guide
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Dan Hamersley, Hewlett Packard, Writer
Frank Poloney, Hewlett Packard, Writer
Louise Reneau, Hewlett Packard, Writer
Steve Gruman , Hewlett Packard,Writer
Reza Dianat, Hewlett Packard, Writer
Jimi Ibbitt, Hewlett Packard, Writer
Scott Fynn, Microsoft, Writer
Alix Mae Hughes, Microsoft, Documentation Lead
Todd Young, Microsoft, Lead Technical Editor
Ben Moebius, Lead Technical Editor
Brian Hitchcock, Microsoft, TechnicalEditor
Carola Klass, Microsoft, Technical Editor
William Jones, Microsoft, Copyeditor
Other Contributors
Robert Marcus, Microsoft, Lead Program Manager
Garry Gross, Microsoft, Architect
Jill Going, Microsoft, Release Manager
Ronen Yacobi, Microsoft, Lead Tester
Scott St Jean, Microsoft,Subject Matter Expert
Table of Contents
Contributors 3
Writers 3
Editors 3
Other Contributors 3
Table of Contents 4
1 7
Introduction 7
What's In This Guide? 7
Who Should Read This Guide? 7
Guide Roadmap 8
Chapter 1 – Introduction 8
Chapter 2 – Operational Tasks 9
Chapter 3 – Architecture Health 9
Chapter 4 – Network Load Balancing 9Chapter 5 – SQL Server Failover Clustering 9
Document Conventions 9
Additional Resources 10
2 11
Operational Tasks 11
Backing Up and Restoring the Solutions 11
Tools for Backup and Restore 11
SharePoint Portal Server Data Backup and Restore Utility 11
The stsadm.exe Utility 12
Best Practices for Backup and Restore 13
Back Up Regularly Using Scripts 13...
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