Lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18
When you turn 18 you are now legal to do many things. For example you can now vote, drive cars and planes, marry, pay taxes, take out loans, buy cigarettes,and even join a branch of the U.S. Military. But you are still not allowed to buy or consume alcoholic beverages. If we are considered an adult and expected to act like one at age 18 it isn’t right torestrict us to a drinking age of 21.
I believe that we should focus on safe drinking instead of age restrictions. We need to educate young people on safe drinking and social activity. Lowering thedrinking age from 21 to 18 with providing proper education will decrease illegal and binge alcohol drinking on teens. I agree that something has to be done with the problem of alcohol abuse in thiscountry, but why not start from the bottom and teach teenagers how to drink responsibly? Then we need to learn to trust them. If you treat young adults like children they will act like children. Ifyou treat young adults like responsible adults they will act maturely. John M. McCardell president of Middlebury College proposes giving “drinking licenses” to 18-20 year olds, who complete an alcoholeducation program. This would allow parents and educators to become role models for responsible drinking and to educate young people about the effects of alcohol. I agree with McCardell because thatway if the young adult violated a drinking law they could be deprived of their license.
The united states is one of the western nations in the planet in which the drinking age is over 18. In mostcultures, drinking is perceived as a social activity. In Europe they begin drinking by their early to mid-teens. In France many families include wine in their daily dinner, and in England it is legal fora person to have an alcoholic beverage, in a public place, with a parent at the age of 16. Europeans teach their children to drink responsibly whereas in America , children grow up being told that...
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