
Páginas: 2 (277 palabras) Publicado: 19 de octubre de 2010
Do you have what it takes to be a leader? The answer depends on some pretty subjective variables. However, this quiz will help give you a rough idea as to whether or not you have theattributes of a good leader.

Place a check mark next to the abilities and habits you honestly feel you have. Then ask a friend or co-worker to rate you and compare the results.Better yet, get a 360-degree performance evaluation - that is get the opinion of some people below you and beside you and above you. Make special note of those areas where people are inagreement on a particular point and take corrective action.

Do you:-------------------------------------------------
Top of Form |
| Communicate in terms people can understand andembrace |
| Get things done - deliver on commitments |
| Learn and improve procedures |
| Understand how your responsibility relates to the big picture |
| Listen expertly toothers |
| Actively work to improve yourself and to know your strengths and weaknesses |
| Analyze problems and take sound decisions |
| Connect developments and spot patterns|
| Accept risk and take on difficult assignments |
| Inspire excellence and commitment in others |
| Have emotional strength and stand up when under fire |
| Learn fromyour mistakes |
| Have a deep interest in other people and exhibit strong social and interpersonal skills |
| Have people acumen - able to judge, grow and coach people |
| Haveintegrity - honest with yourself and others |
| Focus on the end product |
| Demonstrate a high tolerance for stress and pressure |
| Confront reality - do what reality demandsand not what you might want to do |
| Hold yourself and others accountable |
|   |

SCORING: If you scored 11 or higher, your leadership potential is high.Bottom of Form |
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