|Eón|Era |Período |Época |Intervalo |Duración |
| | || |(Millones de años) |(Millones de años) |
| | | || | |
Fanerozoico |Cenozoico |Cuaternario |Holoceno | - 0.01 | 0.01 | | | | |Pleistoceno | 0.01 - 1.8 | 1.79 | | | |Terciario |Plioceno | 1.8 - 5 | 3.2 | | | | |Mioceno | 5 - 23 | 18 | | | | |Oligoceno | 23 - 37 | 14 | | | | |Eoceno | 37 - 55 | 18 | | | | |Paleoceno| 55 - 65 | 10 | | |Mesozoico |Cretácico | 65 - 140 | 75 | | | |Jurásico | 140 - 210 | 70 | | | |Triásico | 210 - 250 | 40 | | |Paleozoico |Pérmico | 250 - 290 | 40 | | ||Carbonífero | 290 - 360 | 70 | | | |Devónico | 360 - 410 | 50 | | | |Silúrico | 410 - 440 | 30 | | | |Ordovícico | 440 - 500 | 60 | | | |Cámbrico | 500 - 590 | 90 | |Precámbrico|Proterozoico |Superior | 590 - 900 | 310 | | | |Medio | 900 - 1600 | 700 | | | |Inferior | 1600 - 2500 | 900 | |[pic]
Continental drift theory[pic]
Inside the Earth
TheEarth is made of many different and distinct layers. The deeper layers are composed of heavier materials; they are hotter, denser and under much greater pressure than the outer layers.
Core: TheEarth has a iron-nickel core that is about 2,100 miles in radius. The inner core may have a temperature up to about 13,000°F (7,200°C = 7,500 K), which is hotter than the surface of the Sun. The...
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