Introductory Speech
Hi, my name is ……. this is my introductory speech.
-catch our attention/conceal topic
I’d like to start by asking you a question. Howmany of you have been to an amusement park? And for how many of you is the roller coaster your favorite ride? Me too. So you know the feeling you get from the anticipation that builds up for theexpected drop that comes at the end of the first drop. That’s called adrenaline. Some people crave that thrill so much that there’s a name for them. Their called “adrenaline junkie’s”.
Anadrenaline junkie is someone who seeks out and craves thrilling adventures or activities to get an adrenaline rush.
-reveal your topic
Well, that’s me. You may not be able to tell justby looking at me, but I am a self proclaimed adrenaline junkie.
Most people get an adrenaline rush from various forms of activities such as, extreme sports, base jumping, mixed martial art, or skydiving. Some are even more extreme and enjoy the thrill of running with the bulls.
I am not the normal kind of adrenaline junkie. No, my rush comes from closing escrow. Yes, that’s what Isaid. For those of you who don’t know what escrow is, let me explain: Escrow is the neutral third party in a real estate transaction. It is fast paced, demanding, requires high attention to details,and is full of deadlines. Most people either like it or hate. Escrow is something you can’t go to school to learn, although some real estate classes can help.
-Main point#1
You are probably wondering how anyone could get a rush from doing escrow.
Have you ever heard of Walter Cannon and his fight-or-flight theory? According to Walter Cannon this response isknow as the fight-or-flight response. His theory states that animals react to threats with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, priming the animal for fighting or fleeing. The...
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