Inteligencias multiples
La teoria de las inteligencias multiples fue propuesta por Howard Gardner en 1983. Esta proponía un modelo de inteligencia dividido en 9.
1. Lógica matemática
2. Espacial
3. Kinestecica
4. Lingüística
5. Musical
6. Interpersonal
7. Intrapersonal
8. Naturalista
9. Existencial
Gardner articulated several criteria for a behavior to bean intelligence. These were that the intelligence's:
1. Potential for brain isolation by brain damage,
2. Place in evolutionary history,
3. Presence of core operations,
4. Susceptibility to encoding (symbolic expression),
5. A distinct developmental progression,
6. The existence of savants, prodigies and other exceptional people,
7. Support from experimental psychologyand psychometric findings.
Gardner believes that eight abilities meet these criteria:
* Spatial
* Linguistic
* Logical-mathematical
* Bodily-kinesthetic
* Musical
* Interpersonal
* Intrapersonal
* Naturalistic
He considers that existential and moral intelligence may also be worthy of inclusion these
The first three are closely linked to fluid ability, and theverbal and spatial abilities that form the hierarchical model of intelligence
This area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning and numbers. While it is often assumed that those with this intelligence naturally excel in mathematics, chess, computer programming and other logical or numerical activities, a more accurate definition places less emphasis on traditionalmathematical ability and more on reasoning capabilities, recognizing abstract patterns, scientific thinking and investigation and the ability to perform complex calculations. Logical reasoning is closely linked to fluid intelligence and to g.
This area deals with spatial judgment and the ability to visualize with the mind's eye. Careers which suit those with this type of intelligence includeartists, designers and architects. A spatial person is also good with puzzles. Spatial ability is one of the three-factor's beneath g in the hierarchical model of intelligence.
'This area has to do with words, spoken or written. People with high verbal-linguistic intelligence display a facility with words and languages. They are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories andmemorizing words along with dates. They tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, and by discussing and debating about what they have learned. Those with verbal-linguistic intelligence learn foreign languages very easily as they have high verbal memory and recall, and an ability to understand and manipulate syntax and structure. Verbal ability is one of the most g-loadedabilities.
The core elements of the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are control of one's bodily motions and the capacity to handle objects skillfully (206). Gardner elaborates to say that this intelligence also includes a sense of timing, a clear sense of the goal of a physical action, along with the ability to train responses so they become like reflexes.
In theory, peoplewho have bodily-kinesthetic intelligence should learn better by involving muscular movement (e.g. getting up and moving around into the learning experience), and are generally good at physical activities such as sports or dance. They may enjoy acting or performing, and in general they are good at building and making things. They often learn best by doing something physically, rather than byreading or hearing about it. Those with strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence seem to use what might be termed muscle memory - they remember things through their body such as verbal memory.
Careers that suit those with this intelligence include: athletes, pilots, dancers, musicians, actors, surgeons, doctors, builders, police officers, and soldiers. Although these careers can be duplicated through...
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