Standing Guard for the Safety of Millions
From Europe to Australia, South America to the Far East, commercial, residential and industrial facilities around the globe are depending on Patterson fire suppression pumps and Pre-Pac® engineered self-contained systems. Millions count on Patterson for their unparalleled knowledge and expertise indeveloping quality fire pumps and pumping systems that perform reliably when needed in office buildings, schools, dormitories, industrial sites, high-density residential areas, manufacturing plants and commercial sites. All Patterson Fire Pumps and accessories are engineered to meet, or exceed, all applicable codes, including: UL and ULC listings, FM and NYBSA approvals, NFPA, VdS, LPCB, CNBOP and CEcertifications worldwide and all NFPA-20 standards.
Shaft sleeves locked against rotation by impeller key Deflectors prevent water from entering bearing housings
Horizontal Split Case Fire Pumps Ideal for both high and low pressure pumping requirements.
Patterson Horizontal Split Case Fire Pumps are engineered for reliable operation upon demand. Patterson sweats the details. All fabricatedparts are standardized and accurately machined for true alignment, increasing overall durability. Precision balancing of all rotating components provides mechanical dependability, reliable operation and minimal maintenance. Impellers are constructed with double inlets that practically eliminate end thrust while boosting operating efficiency. The simple, split case design of these pumps allows forin-line service without disturbing piping while ensuring long, efficient unit life, reduced maintenance costs and minimal power consumption. These pumps are designed to operate with pressures in excess of 390 psi (27 bar) and flows from 150 gpm to 5,000 gpm (568 litres/min to 18,925 litres/min). Whether your fire pump application requires an electric motor, a diesel engine or vertical orhorizontal orientation, these industry-approved pumps can be configured to meet your specific needs.
Split-case design allows for in-line service.
Integrally cast packing boxes
Pre-drilled and tapped packing box drip pockets remove leakage Dynamically balanced impeller
Typical LPCB diesel unit.
Horizontal Split Case Fire Pump with electric motor.
Horizontal Split Case Fire Pumps withdiesel engines.
High Pressure Two-Stage DMD Fire Pumps Engineered for rugged, reliable service when space is at a premium.
High Pressure Two-Stage Fire Pumps are engineered to produce as much head as two single-stage pumps in series but in a much more compact size. Heavily built, they are highly dependable and have every mechanical feature to assure long life. Design highlights include dualsingle-inlet, enclosed impellers, mounted back-to-back, and an interconnecting passage between stages. Bronze or bronze-bushed interstage pieces guard against wear. Sizes range from 3-in. to 6-in. (7.6-cm to 15.2-cm) discharge for capacities to 1,000 gpm (3,785 litres/min) and heads to 1,150 ft (351 m).
V.I.P. Vertical In-Line Fire Pumps Compact, self-contained design for easy adaptability to newor existing applications.
Patterson’s V.I.P series of Vertical In-Line . Fire Pumps offer a simple alternative to horizontal split case pumps in fire applications with lower flow ranges. Their unique design also minimizes energy consumption while lengthening service life. These fire pumps are easy to install into existing pipe lines. With the inlet and outlet on a common center line, onlystandard piping supports on either side of the pump are needed. This eliminates the need for costly foundations or pads.
V.I.P. Vertical In-Line Series Fire Pump.
uniformity of tolerances, minimum shaft deflection and bearings sized properly for the job. An integral clean-out port on the suction side enables cleaning without having to remove the driver, eliminating the need for a NFPA
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