History Of English
Strategy: debate
A. Decide whether these statements are true or false
1. Britain in the nineteenth century was at its most powerful and self–confident True – Industrial Revolution, the creation of factories, with consequent significant increase in production. British Empire became the world's leading power, controlling one quarter of theworld's population and one fifth of the total land area.
2. The rapid growth of the middle class was part of the enormous rise in the population True - In the 19th century the population of Britainincreased rapidly
3. The workhouses were feared and hated False - As the 19th century wore on workhouses increasingly became refuges for the elderly
4. Manchester was the largest city in UnitedKingdom. False - In the 19th century the population of Britain increased rapidly. By 1815 it had reached 13 million and London was one of the largest cities
5. In 1824, workers had not been allowedto join together in unions. True - Unions in Britain were subject to often severe repression until 1824, but were already widespread in cities such as London.
6. The close family resulted from thegrowth of new attitudes to privacy, perhaps a necessary part of individualism.
7. The middle class grew more quickly than ever before and included greater differences of wealth, social position andkind of work.
8. In 1851, the nation was not as religious as its people had believed True - 40 and 60 percent of the adult population of Great Britain in 1851 attended church
9. Queen Victoriacame to the throne as a young woman and reigned until her death True - Queen Victoria (1819) was the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death (1901)10. Children had to go to school up to the age of eight years old. In 1891, education became free for all children under 10 years
B. Match the column a with the right answer in column b...
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