Heart of darkness

Páginas: 4 (927 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2010
Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad

The story is set in the last part of 19th century, a period of exploration and colonization.
The novel is about Marlow, a sailor that when is on aboat on the mouth of the river Thames tells to his fellows about his expedition to the Congo river in Africa; he was sent there by a Belgian Company which had employed him thanks to the recommendation ofhis aunt. His work consisted of carrying ivory from the heart of Africa to the coast. When he arrived to the Company station he was disappointed by the inefficiency and the cruelty of colonialexploitation. Marlow worked there for some time but then he was in charge of reaching Kurtz, one of the best and most important company agents, who was missing in the jungle. The expedition delayed probablybecause of the station director’s sabotage who was jealous of Kurt’s success. When Marlow reached Kurtz he was in terrible health conditions. Marlow hardly managed to carry him away from the villagebecause the natives worshipped him as a divinity. Unfortunately Kurtz died during the return journey and Marlow had to give back Kurtz’s properties to Kurtz’s girlfriend.

The main character of the novel is Charlie Marlow; he is the narrator of the story. He is an English sailor who wants to explore uncharted lands; Marlow analyzes things in a rational way andduring his trip realizes that probably uncultured natives aren’t inferior to Europeans who want to civilize them.
Kurtz is a man with English, French and German origin. He is a good companyagent and perhaps he will become the company director; according to other people he could successfully be a journalist, a painter, a politician or a musician. He looks like a thin and bald man with a bigfrontal bone, he is described exactly like the natives that Marlow finds during the voyage. Thanks to his deep and resonant voice he is nearly worshipped by people that are astonished by his...
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