Growing Pains Of Adrian Mole
1. While Adrian was making a model airplane, he tried an experimental sniff of glue and his nose stuck to the plane.
- Why does everybody think that Adrian is addicted to glue?
2.Because Barry Kent's aunt works as a cleaner in the hospital and told Barry about the model airplane incident. Barry has been telling everybody.
- What difference is there betweenAdrian’s father’s reasons for marrying his mother an Adrian’s reason for loving Pandora?
3.Because she has good legs. Adrian loves Pandora because she is intelligent and compassionate.
- What two things did Adrian’s father say when Adrian complained about his toothache?
4.Adrian's father sais that it was Adrian's own fault, as he didn't go to his last three dentist's appointments. The nextday he told Adrian to be quiet when he heard him crying.
- Who is Aunt Clara and why did Adrian write to her?
5. Adrian wrote to her for advice about his problem with Pandora and his obsession with sex.
- Why is Adrian’s mother furious with the dentist?
6.Because he took out Adrian's front tooth instead of repairing it and now Adrian looks like a mass murderer.
- Why is Adrian suffering onThursdays, May 13th?
7.Because he received a letter from Pandora in which she wrote that she wanted to end their relationship.
- Why were “Queen Victoria” and “Prince Albert” in Adrian’s kitchen?
8.Because Adrian's parents had dressed up as these characters for the Braithwaites' fancy dress party.
-What three indications was Adrian given that his mother was pregnant?
9.Adrian's mothersaid to his father, “It's positive”, he got a strange pone call from the clinic and his gather asked him if he would like a brother or sister.
- In what way is Courtney Elliot not an ordinary postman?
10.Because he wears a smart shit and a red bow tie with his grey uniform.
- How did the family decide where to go on holiday and what does this tell us about the way the family functions? 11.This shows that there was some democracry in the family.
- Why did Adrian take Sharon Botts skating if he didn’t know how to skate?
12.Because he thought this would impress her and she would then show him her body.
- Bert phoned Adrian when Queenie didn’t fell well. What does this tell you about the relationship between Bert and Adrian?
13.Bert needs Adrian's help when he's got a problemAdrian cares a lot about Bert, as he goes to Bert's house immediately.
- The people around Adrian are very helpful to Bert. Give some examples of their kindness.
14.Adrian's parents went to Bert's house immediately when Adrian phoned. Adrian's mother phoned for an ambulance and went in the ambulance with Queenie to hospital. She also cleaned and cooked for Bert. Adrian's father promised to visitBert every day after work. Pandora came to visit Bert and her parents took Bert to the hospital to visit Queenie.
- Was Pandora being a snob when she talked about Skegness? Explain your answer.
15.Yes, she was. She said tha Skegness wasn't for privileged people like her.
- Why didn’t Pandora’s father or Pandora herself, pay for the holyday in Skegness? 16.Because he had already paid 400$ forthe canoeing holiday for his family, and Pandora can't pay for herself.
- Describe Bernard Porke.
17.Is a miserable-looking man. He makes latecomers pay a fine if they come after 11 p.m., he only gives one piece of bacon per plate and he shouts at his wife.
- How did Adrian expect Grandma to react to the news of the illegitimate child? Was he corrects?
18.Think that the news of her son'sillegitimate child was terrible. Adrian wasn't correct because Grandma gave some of this baby clothes to Stick Insect's baby boy..
- How do you think Adrian feels about his new brother?
19.Because he wrote “I hope he has better luck with his skin than me”.
- What does Adrian offer to do while the Briathwaites are on holiday and what is he really planning to do?
20. Adrian offers to feed the...
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