Born inthe province of Hispania Baetica in 152 AD He was the son of Meridius, the governor of the province, and of Lucretia, the daughter of a Roman senator Bodaus.
He was sent to school at the age ofeight to Hispalis, and were studied under the tutelage of Fulvus, the stoic philospher. He joined the army at 17 as a carrier. The battle standard in campaigns against the Celts in Britannia and againstthe Parthians in Cappadocia. Honored for his courage under fire of battle, he rose through the ranks as optio, centurion, and then as primus pilus of the first cohort under General Lucius Veras.Marcus Aurelius, friend of father's and father of Maximus, appointed him legate of the legion of the emperor in 176 AD He was the youngest general who was appointed in Roman history.
He led the armyagainst the Veture Marcomanni in Gaul and Germania. He was absent for four years until the final victory against the barbarians near the river Danube. Earlier, in 171 AD, while visiting the villa ofSergius Manus, a wealthy landowner in the Spanish province of Gemina, he fell in love with the daughter Cecilia Sergius. Maximus and Cecilia married and had a son named after his grandfather Decimus.Placed on a working farm in the hills of Fulginia, walk several days of Rome.
The farm sat on a hillside, and giant cottonwoods lined the driveway. Although he could spend little time with hisfamily, he loved deeply. The letters he wrote to his son and the wife survived and were carefully preserved by his followers after his death.
After the death of Marcus Aurelius in the field Vindobona,...
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