Funcion de los costos

Páginas: 2 (320 palabras) Publicado: 13 de octubre de 2009

Evelyn: do you remember the last camping in the forest?
Araceli: yes it was terrifying
Gerardo: ho yea, all began when you decided go out tosearch the treasure cause your boy friend gave you the map.
E: yes but get dark and we had to camping there
A: yes after arming the tent while youdecided going to the bathroom, a wolf surprised us, it was horrible
G: what? A wolf?
A: yes we were very scared but then when we went to find you saw somethingin the sky and thought that it was a plane
E: but wasn’t a plane was a UFO and followed us to where you were
G: ho yes, I remember it was when I ranbehind of you I don´t know why
A: yes in fact
E: then we came to a place strange was as cave and not saw nothing but Ara had a lamp and with this we guidedall the way
G: well not all way, only served up to that the ghost of the cave appeared
A: yes it was something really frightening
E: when we get out ofthe cave we found a boat and saw that were in a river
A: yes it was old but severed us
G: well only to a nature came put a waterfall in our way, I thoughtthat…
A:you don´t think nothing ji ji ji
E: but obviously you saved by me, because I had a rope
A: well you are right but I brought the knife to alsohelp us much
g. I can tell you that I thought that not go out and that we would be lost forever
A: well I was relieved when the guardabosques saved us
E:I hope that this camping is not the same to the previous
G: what was it?
A, E: the wolf again?
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